
My Pledge to My Readers

There’s little worse for a reader than committing to a series only for it to fizzle out before it reaches a satisfying conclusion. When this happens with a TV show, we kind of have to accept it. After all, TV shows are expensive and it would be reckless to continue pumping money into something with dwindling audience figures. But with a book series? Well, in my opinion, there’s really no excuse*.

So this is my pledge to my readers.

The Glyst Saga will be completed.

The whole series is planned out. I know how it ends. I mean, I know exactly how it ends.

There will be 10 books. There may be more, if an interesting side quest presents itself. Side quests aside, I know what happens in each book. There’s no danger of me staring at a wall thinking What now? while my readers become increasingly frustrated. Not going to happen.

This is a journey with a map and a destination.

Alex Bentley, 19th October 2021

*excluding illness, force majeur etc



I see movement in the gloom ahead of me. About forty yards out. Beyond the effective range of my bow. It could be an animal. But I do not think so. If I were to loose an arrow too soon, I would give away my position. Assuming I have not been seen already.

– From In Draeden’s Trench